AgeVital Wellness Concierge List of Services and Pricing

 PrimeHealth PREMIER Concierge Health plan- $15,000 PrimeHealth BIO-IDENTICAL HRT Concierge Health plan - $10,000
PrimeHealth Age-management Concierge Health Plan- $10,000 PrimeHealth WEIGHT LOSS AND FITNESS CONCIERGE PROGRAM - $2,000.00
PrimeHealth NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE - $2,000.00

Let us help you decide which one is best for you. Contact AgeVital Wellness for a wellness interview.

Call us to schedule your PrimeHealth NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE health plan consultation today, and begin your journey to a metabolically and nutritionally balanced you!

If you would like to schedule an onsite or telehealth visit contact us by clicking here.

You can also call 941-309-5407 to speak to one of our Health Assistant Professionals to schedule your Health Visit.