IV Nutritional Therapy
Intravenous (IV) Nutritional Therapy
Intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy is a method of correcting intracellular nutrient deficiencies by administering vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream. It is not possible for patients to take high enough doses of these therapeutic substances orally because of the absorption limitations of normal digestion. As a matter of fact, patients can receive up to 10 times the dose of nutrients they would be able to ingest orally in a day in a single IV treatment.
Conditions that May Benefit from IV Nutrition Therapy
A great many conditions can be helped by IV nutrition, including:
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- Diabetes
- Epstein Barr
- Fibromyalgia
- Heavy metal toxicity
- Hepatitis
- Neuropathy
- Poor circulation
- Post-gastric bypass deficiencies
Depending on patient needs, IV nutrition can assist in detoxification, stimulation of the immune system, or restoration of depleted storage of vital substances.
Vitamin C Drips to Strengthen the Immune System
Many medical conditions may weaken the immune system. Vitamin C can be an effective antidote to a weakened immune system. When administered intravenously at a pharmaceutical grade in high dosage, vitamin C has been found to be helpful in treating chronic infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, Lyme disease and cancer.
There are also a number of very specific formulas used to provide IV nutritional therapy for particular disorders, including Meyer's Cocktail, Dr. Wright's RMR, antifungal IV, migraine IV and hypertension IV, and magnesium IV. Undoubtedly, as research continues, more specific combinations of carefully chosen components will be used in IV nutritional therapy in the future, hopefully with greater and greater success.

Dr. Jenny Cocktail
Want to feel more alive?
Ever hear of the Meyers cocktail? Well Dr. Jenny improved this popular cocktail by adding bio-available nutrients and removing synthetic nutrients. This popular Cocktail will make you feel good all over. Loaded with Vitamins and other Critical Nutrients it helps your body, soul and spirit deal with the stressors of everyday life and hectic schedules. It supports your immune system to help prevent illnesses, and it fills your cells with a much-needed energy boost.
*Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we include a special treat to help you glide through the rest of your day. (Some people report feeling sleepy from the infusion. We recommend resting quietly and falling asleep if you are able).

Hangover Cocktail
A little too much fun last night?
If you are feeling a bit off balance after a night of celebrating, your body will appreciate this drip. With its combination of Stress and healing Vitamins, Amino Acids and Minerals, it will help re-hydrate and detoxify your cells and regenerate your body’s energy sources. Recover from nausea, pain and inflammation. AgeVital’s Hangover cocktail will have you feeling like your former self. Ask us about group discounts. Our most popular drip for wedding parties. (Some people report feeling sleepy from the infusion. We recommend resting quietly and falling asleep if you are able)

Energy Cocktail / Weight Loss
Help your Body burn fat and your liver convert food into “FUEL” with the perfect combination of Amino Acids, Vitamin C and B Complex. This drip will support your healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy BMI, naturally SPARK your metabolism and give you the PEP you need to keep going.

Mega Energy Cocktail
Need more than just a pick-me up?
This drip contains higher doses of Supportive Nutrients and Energy Enhancing Vitamins with an immediately available B12 kick. It also contains Taurine, an Amino Acid for Nervous System Support and Cardiovascular Stability during high levels of activity. This cost effective drip will give you the boost you need to get through your hectic day. A preferred drip of mommies of multiple children and burned out executives.
Anti-Aging Cocktail ( 30 - 45 minutes )
Roll back the years to look and feel young again! This drip contains a powerful Antioxidant to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative changes. With just the right combination of Vitamins that work to heal sun-damage, thicken hair and nails, and provide the body with added support to decrease wrinkles and beautify skin, it will help you maintain a more youthful and attractive appearance.
*To keep the worry lines down, we will give you a special treat to help you feel more calm and relaxed. (Some people report feeling sleepy from the infusion. We recommend resting quietly and falling asleep if you are able)
The Body Builder Cocktail ( 22 - 30 minutes )
Weight < 140 lbs We’re Going to “PUMP YOU UP!” This Cocktail contains a combination of Essential Amino Acids. These nutrients act as building blocks to make proteins necessary for muscle growth, increase neurotransmitters, and aid the liver in detoxification. They help Reduce Recovery time, Alleviate Muscle Fatigue and Prevent Muscle Damage. This drip will provide the support your Body Needs to Advance to the Next Level and Stay Strong. Popular drip for pro-athletes and body builders.

Stress / Anxiety Cocktail
This Cocktail contains Mega doses of B-Complex Vitamins which promote nerve health, regulate mood, and support Melatonin and Serotonin production (both which are critical to mood, relaxation and sleep). Also rich in Magnesium, a calming and relaxing mineral so powerful it has been called nature’s Valium. It regulates the nervous system and helps you cope with stress, prevent anxiety, fear, nervousness, restlessness and irritability. Magnesium reduces Stress Hormones, and works on a Primary inhibitory neurotransmitter that puts the brakes on overstimulating brain activity. Get ready to relax!

Skin Detox Cocktail
This Cocktail contains a powerful Antioxidant that can STOP, and even REVERSE the damaging effects of free radicals. It helps manufacture and repair DNA, and facilitates the recycling of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. This drip will assist your body in purging toxic compounds such as heavy metals. If you chose to detoxify your body with this “Master Anti-oxidant”, you will lower your risk of developing Cancers and Slow Down the Aging Process.
*After your Detoxification drip is complete, we will give you a special treat to help you feel refreshed. (Some people report feeling sleepy from the infusion. We recommend resting quietly and falling asleep if you are able).

The Athlete Cocktail
Go Big or Go Home!
If you are looking to Improve your Athletic Potential, this Cocktail is Full of Essential Amino Acids that will Help your Body Make the Proteins Necessary for Muscle Enhancement and Increase the Production of Neurotransmitters to Sharpen Focus. It Will Provide the Support your Body Needs to Decrease Recovery Time, Alleviate Muscle Fatigue and Prevent Muscle Damage. This Powerful Drip Will Give you what you Need for Optimal Physical Performance.

Vitamin C is the “Muscle” of the Immune System. It is Required for the Growth and Repair of Tissues all over the Body. It is needed to fight Infections, Heal Wounds, and Maintain Healthy Cartilage, Bones, Teeth and Skin. Also, a Strong Antioxidant, it helps Prevent the Damage caused by Free radicals. Stress and Illness Deplete the Body’s Vitamin C and Result in a weakened Immune System. This Vitamin C and mineral Drip Will Deliver the “Muscle” your Body needs to Strengthen your Immune Response.

Onset Cold
If you are coming down with a Cold, this Drip can help you fight it off with Immune Supportive Vitamin C and Essential Trace Minerals that aid the Immune System in Functioning at all Levels. On set cold was designed to increase energy and strength when you feel that blanket of tiredness and scratchy throat. Most people report that fatigue and scratchy throat disappear hours after drip and return for a follow up drip. Avoid anti-biotics and prevent colds with this reviving drip.

Acute Viral
If your Body has lost the fight and you need Immune Support to heal from a Virus like the flu, this Drip contains Vitamins and Minerals for Optimal Performance of your Immune System to help Turn Things Around and Improve your Ability to Heal and Deal with the Symptoms and Stress of the Illness. Increase your recovery time by 50% with this FLU Fighting drip.
*A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after your infusion to assist your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help you feel better.

MEGA Viral
If you want to bring out the Big Guns to fight off a Viral Infection, this is the Drip you will need. It contains MEGA Doses of Important Vitamins and Minerals for MEGA Support of your Immune System, with added Elements to Lower Your Body’s pH so that it provides Just the Right Environment for Healing. Increase your recovery time by 80% with this FLU Fighting drip.
*Customers often return 48 hours later to follow up with the immunity cocktail to feel 100% * A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after your infusion to assist your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help you feel better.

This Drip provides the ULTIMATE Support for your Immune System. A SUPER Combination of Immune Supportive Vitamins and Minerals, Taurine-an Amino Acid for Nervous System Support and Cardiovascular Stability during High levels of Stress and Activity, Extra Trace Minerals to aid your Body with Healing and Maintaining all other Functions so you are at your Peak Level of Health and well-being, plus added Elements to Lower Your Body’s pH creating a Perfect Environment for Healing and Staying Well. The preferred drip for customers that refuse chemo therapy and radiation due to cancer diagnosis.
*A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after your infusion to assist your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help you feel Super!

Cancer Prevention
This Drip contains a healthy amount of Glutathione and Vitamin C – two of the most important Antioxidants in the prevention of oxidative stress systemically. It works to detox every cell in your body, and prevents cellular damage caused by free radicals and other environmental Toxins. It is a Powerful Defense against Cancer, with other Health Benefits including the Prevention of Heart Disease, Dementia, and Reversing and Slowing down the Effects of Aging on the Body.
Glutathione Protects Healthy Cells from Free Radicals that Cause Cancer Mutation, and is Vital for Immune Support Functions that Protect Us from developing cancer. Our Cancer prevention drip is our recommended cocktail to do every 90 days. It’s kind of like taking your car to the mechanic shop and having your oil changed, spark plugs looked at and your tires rotated. Do not wait for your red warning lights to come on. Prevent it!

Large doses of B Complex Vitamins and an Extra Dose of B12 gives your Body what it needs to Produce Enough Healthy Red Blood Cells that are needed to deliver Oxygen to all of our tissues. Adequate amount of Oxygen is Vital for all of the cells to have Fuel for Energy and to Function Properly. Our Anemia prevention drip will get rid of the vampire complexion, increase energy and get rid of the dark circles under your eyes.

Acute Asthma
A specific combination of Vitamins and Minerals that has been proven to provide relief of Acute and Chronic Asthma Symptoms and Improve Overall Pulmonary Function. If you are done with using the harmful inhalers that weaken your immune system. This is the drip for you. We recommend once weekly for the first month then every 7 weeks for maintenance.
*A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after the drip to help you relax and feel calmer.

Thyroid (Hashimotos)
Enriching the Body with Essential Nutrients Including Healthy Doses of Vitamin C, B Complex and an Extra Dose of Immediately available B12 gives your Immune System the Tools it needs for Hormone Conversion and to Deal with the Antibodies involved in Hashimotos. This drip should give you more Energy immediately if you suffer from fatigue due to high thyroid antibodies.

Headache / Migraine
Contains plenty of the Vitamins and Minerals that are necessary for the body to use Serotonin and Nor-epinephrine, the Neurotransmitters that play a role in the development of Migraines and Headaches. This drip gets to the root cause of headaches and migraines.
*A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after the drip to help you feel less stressed, reduce inflammation, and remain pain free.

Inflammation is our Body’s Defense Mechanism and is Closely associated with our Immune System. This drip contains Vitamins and Essential Amino Acids needed to Restore Immune System Balance and Reduce Damaging Inflammation. The preferred drip for customers suffering from fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic migraines and gastroparesis.

Muscle Spasm
This drip will boost the amount of Key Minerals that are involved in Muscle Contraction and Relaxation. It also contains Essential Vitamins that are needed for Chemical Enzyme Reactions and the Release of Glucose in the Muscles. The preferred drip for competitive athletes that pushed themselves a little too hard.
*A Rapid Dissolving Supplement will be administered after the drip to help decrease inflammation and keep the tension away.

The Body Builder Cocktail
Weight > 140 lbs
We’re Going to “PUMP YOU UP!” This Cocktail contains a combination of Essential Amino Acids. These nutrients act as building blocks to make proteins necessary for muscle growth, increase neurotransmitters, and aid the liver in detoxification. They help Reduce Recovery time, Alleviate Muscle Fatigue and Prevent Muscle Damage. This drip will provide the support your Body Needs to Advance to the Next Level and Stay Strong. Popular drip for pro-athletes and body builders.

The Body Builder Cocktail
Weight < 140 lbs
We’re Going to “PUMP YOU UP!” This Cocktail contains a combination of Essential Amino Acids. These nutrients act as building blocks to make proteins necessary for muscle growth, increase neurotransmitters, and aid the liver in detoxification. They help Reduce Recovery time, Alleviate Muscle Fatigue and Prevent Muscle Damage. This drip will provide the support your Body Needs to Advance to the Next Level and Stay Strong. Popular drip for pro-athletes and body builders.

Anti-Aging Cocktail
Roll back the years to look and feel young again!
This drip contains a powerful Antioxidant to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative changes. With just the right combination of Vitamins that work to heal sun-damage, thicken hair and nails, and provide the body with added support to decrease wrinkles and beautify skin, it will help you maintain a more youthful and attractive appearance.
Other Types of IV Nutritional Therapy
Besides vitamin C, other supplements assist in restoring health to various parts of the body, as evidenced by the following:
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Therapy
ALA is an antioxidant made and found in every cell of the body. Like other antioxidants, it attacks free radicals. While ALA is administered orally for a great number of medical purposes, it is also administered intravenously to treat several serious conditions. Some studies have confirmed symptom relief as a result of IV ALA administration, but more research still needs to be done. At present, IV ALA is used for diabetes, liver disease, brain function and stroke.
Vision IV Therapy
Aging is often associated with disorders that negatively affect the vision, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Fortunately, current medical research indicates that the administration of "vision drips" can frequently be effective in improving, or even reversing, these visual disorders. Typically, such IV nutritional therapy includes antioxidants, fatty acids, amino acids, carotenoids, minerals and glutathione, either individually or combined with chelation.
Glutathione Therapy
Glutathione is the primary antioxidant produced by cells, especially those of the brain, liver, intestine and kidney. Its functions include regulating nitric oxide, detoxifying poisons, activating the immune system, and repairing DNA. Because of these significant functions, glutathione is often used for memory enhancement, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, neuropathy, liver disease and a great many other ailments.
Chelation Therapy
In cases where a patient has high levels of heavy metals in the blood, poor blood flow, or certain other health problems such as heart disease, hypertension, memory decline, autism, or complications from diabetes, IV nutritional therapy may be used to administer calcium EDTA or DiSodium EDTA to cleanse the blood and improve circulation.