Aroma DIM® Complex - AgeVitalWellness

Aroma DIM® Complex

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$86.49 USD
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$86.49 USD
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Aroma DIM® Complex is a blend of DIM® combined with Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Calcium D-Glucarate, Indol-3-Carbinol, Green Tea Extract, HMRlignan™, and Trans-Resveratrol.

It is a state of the art formula that supports hormone balance and cellular health in both men and women.

Aroma DIM® Complex Supports:

  • Bone
  • Cardio
  • Hormonal
    • Hormone balance in both men and women
    • Normal Apoptosis
    • Cellular health

A dietary supplement to support hormonal balance in men and women.*

Aroma DIM® Complex is a blend of DIM® combined with Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Calcium D-Glucarate, Indol-3-Carbinol, Green Tea Extract, HMRlignan™, and Trans-Resveratrol.

Aroma DIM® Complex is a state of the art formula that supportshormone balance and cellular health in both men and women.*

Aroma DIM® Complex Supports:

  • Hormone balance in both men and women
  • Normal Apoptosis
  • Cellular health
About the ingredients:

Indol-3-Carbinol (I-3-C) supports cellular health. It has beenshown to support a shift in estrogen metabolism towards lessestrogenic metabolites thus reducing the risk of estrogensensitivities. Because I-3-C helps to maintain healthy hormonalbalance for both men and women it may provide support forthe health of the breast, prostate, and other reproductive organs.*Indol-3-Carbinol occurs naturally in cruciferous vegetables suchas broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, collard greensand kale.

Diindolylmethane or DIM® patented form of Diindolylmethane from BioResponse is a plant compound that supports estrogen metabolism in both men and women. DIM® and I-3-C have been found to support normal apoptosis to help the body regulate defective cells.

Vitamin D3 is essential for the formation, growth, and repair ofbones and for normal calcium absorption and immune function.It also supports cellular differentiation and supports normalapoptosis.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells.Defective cells are believed to result from oxidative damage toDNA caused by free radicals. Antioxidants – such as vitamin E -help protect against the damaging effects of free radicals.

Calcium D-Glucarate helps to support the glucuronidationdetoxification pathway. Glucuronidation enables the body to riditself of foreign elements including xenoestrogens, pollutants andtoxins. It is a process by which glucuronic acid is conjugated(joined) to various toxins in the liver so that they can beexcreted through the bile or urine. It also removes “used”hormones and synthetic hormones from the body.Glucuronidation, is a major means of converting most drugs,steroids, and many toxic and “environmental” substances tometabolites that can be excreted into the urine or bile.

Green Tea Extract comes from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis,which is an excellent source of potent polyphenols/bioflavonoidswith powerful antioxidant properties. Research has identified thepolyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) as the most activeagent in Green Tea.

HMRlignan™ provides powerful antioxidant protection, helpsprotect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.HMRlignan™ is also beneficial in supporting healthy hormonalbalance.

Trans-Resveratrol is the active form of resveratrol. It is anatural polyphenol with powerful antioxidant activity that supportsthe body’s ability to protect its cells against dangerous free radicalsthat can contribute to prostate problems. Studies with resveratrolindicate that this polyphenol inhibits the activity of aromatase andenzyme that coverts testosterone to estrogen.

100% Organic and nonGMO.